Sunday, May 23, 2010

Power Nap

power nap
Originally uploaded by js_hale
Today, he blew a kiss for the first time! He was watching his dad leave the nursery at bedtime, and when we asked him to blow a kiss, he did! He also has more teeth - it's tough to get him to sit still & open his mouth long enough to count them. He is sniffling and drooling like a fiend, but fortunately not complaining too much.

It was a busy day - he needed this nap. Church at 8:30AM (nursery for him), then playing fetch w/ dogs in Nob Hill park; quick nap in the car, then story time with singer/guitarist/storyteller Christopher Smith at Book Passage. Lunch at the cafe, then home, then back to another park for kite-flying and bubble-blowing with other babies & moms.

Weaning, weaning, weaning - I nursed once today and once 2 days ago. One side is no longer producing milk, and the other side has dwindled. But I remember my friend in Osaka nursing her daughter long after she quit producing milk - it's still comforting and soothing. J. is definitely not ready to give it up entirely, and I feel like it's selfish and unnecessary to make him do without. Nearly every day at 5:00PM, he asks for "num-nums" with a distinct cry, and he'll grab my shirt and put his head into the crook of my arm. I would have to be pretty heartless to turn him down!