Friday, May 11, 2007

The Grand-dog

We went over to Peter's mom's condo last night - much to Teddy's delight, Grandma's carpet has a whole lot more traction than our wood floors! He was racing around, jumping off the staircase into the living room and being a general freak. We got home & scooped him out of his crate - he as a limp as a rag doll & slept like all night. Such a good boy! :D
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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Plum tuckered

The pooch is settling in - right now it's a struggle for me and Peter to keep from spoiling him rotten. He doesn't quite understand yet that "don't touch" means you dont' eat it, whether it's pine shavings, my forearm or fallen leaves. He's into everything. He's a challenge, but he's worth it.
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Monday, May 07, 2007

Theodore ("Teddy" - formerly known as "Oliver")

It won't be long before he outgrows this adorable habit. He dives into the space in the coffee table and stretches his belly across it. We've discovered that he likes cool surfaces - his favorite is the tile in the bathroom.
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