Thursday, April 09, 2009

I caught a smile!

Originally uploaded by js_hale
Jacob was 8 weeks old yesterday - this kid is so resilient, it's amazing. He had 2 shots yesterday, and after hours of napping (no coaxing or shushing required - he was OUT), he's smiling again. He was originally scheduled for FOUR SHOTS (!!) but I put the kabbosh on that - at a mere 2 months of age, 2 shots per visit is quite enough, thank you. It kills me to put him through it - I have to remind myself that we all went through it, though my own experience with it was pretty traumatic - and comfort him as best I can after each visit. My pediatrician had a great idea for when they're older and they know what's coming - have a wrapped present ready for them to open after their shot. I think I'll throw in a scoop of ice cream, too - I'll need it just as much as he will!

Monday, April 06, 2009

All is quiet...

Wow, I actually have some time to write stuff - now if I could only think of everything I wanted to blog about! So it goes with the Mommy Brain . . . Jacob slept from 11pm til 5:30am last night, which was AMAZING. Would have been great except that I had a nightmare that was like a scene cut from the Exorcist - ugh! But the weird part was waking up from it - Peter had already gone to work. Jacob was right next to me (we're bed-sharing), totally undisturbed, even though I'm pretty sure I was mumbling out loud during the nightmare - and I felt strangely calm and more protective of Jacob than anything else. I guess that being a mom - knowing that I had to keep it together for my kid - had a calming effect. I went back to sleep until 7:15 or so - just had breakfast, Jacob is taking his morning nap, and we'll go walk the dog soon. Life is so, so good. :)