Monday, November 15, 2010

Please, God, keep him safe...

Originally uploaded by js_hale
I am struck with the undeniable truth that I am completely and utterly in love with my kid. I have never in my life been so invested in any one person or thing. Maybe it's the jet lag (I only got back from Japan a week ago, and still can't sleep), but as I look at this picture, I am desperate to keep him safe from any harm. I am scared to write more about this because I'm scared that whatever I write will actually happen. My rational brain knows that this is all normal - what kind of a mother would I be if I didn't fear for the well-being of my kid? And I know that we cannot completely control what befalls us, let alone our children. All I can do is make a plea to the universe to keep my child safe, and to allow him to thrive in and relish this wonderful, crazy world. Seriously, though, how can you not worry?