Saturday, December 27, 2008

Teddy's ride down the slide

Teddy's ride down the slide
Originally uploaded by js_hale
We spent most of the holiday weekend over at the brother/sister in law's house. Both of Peter's brothers and families were all together - my mother in law & stepdad in law came down too - we all had fun hanging out together. After a massive lunch of turkey leftovers, we went outside to stretch our legs. The Tedster actually climbed up the ladder of the play structure by himself, and slid down the slide with Peter. Good fun.

Another turkey triumph

Another turkey triumph
Originally uploaded by js_hale
Peter cleaned and stuffed another turkey for x mas eve. Thanks to a slow cooking oven, the bird was nice and moist !

Sunday, December 21, 2008

6 weeks to go!

I am feeling great - Peter and Teddy are taking great care of me.  The other day, the dog was napping and his head was on my stomach. The baby started kicking , and Teddy's head started visibly moving up and down. Teddy opened his eyes, but remained more or less undisturbed.