Source: http://images.democracynow.org/images/story_images/evac10.jpg
You could say that I'm angry, and you would be right. What we have in New Orleans is an abomination. Just as this beautiful city now reeks of human waste and disaster, administration and its supporters reek of indifference to fellow Americans who (surprise!) happen to be mostly black and poor. Somehow I think we'd have a quicker response from our government if this all happened say, in Martha's Vineyard or Hilton Head, SC.
- Hours After Hurricane Struck Gulf, FEMA Requested Help
- Bush to Oversee Investigation of Hurricane Response
- 300,000 Households Seek FEMA Help With Housing
- Toxic Water Being Pumped Back Into River & Lake
- Pilots Reprimanded For Saving 100 Hurricane Victims
- NO Police Accused of Beating/Detaining Reporters
- Ex-FEMA Chief Tied to Hurricane Relief Lobbying
"New Orleans is a city that is almost 70 percent black with nearly 23 percent of its residents living in poverty. Many African Americans are asking if this calamity would have been allowed to happen if the demographics of the city were different. And they are asking if the response would have been quicker if New Orleans had been a predominately white, wealthy city. On his way to Louisiana a few days ago, Reverend Jesse Jackson said that racial discrimination and indifference to black suffering was at the root of the disaster response. He went on to say, "In this same city of New Orleans where slave ships landed, where the legacy of 246 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow discrimination, that legacy is unbroken today."