Jacob was in the midst of a marathon nap when we picked it out. Today was cold and overcast all day - perfect weather for sipping hot coffee while tooling around the farmers market, which is what we did before coming across the street to get our tree. I guess the weather got me in the mood for soup, so when we got home, I took the array of edible squash that had been our dining room centerpiece since late October and turned it into soup! I needed to make room for Christmas decorations anyway. :P And no, the pumpkins weren't old and wrinkly yet. OK, only one was. Seriously though, it felt good to actually make use of something that would ordinarily get tossed once the season is over - like a Christmas tree, for example! Yes, I have very mixed feelings about our beautiful tree. I love the look, feel and the SMELL of a real tree, but it kills me to simply dump it after New Years. My in-laws have a good-looking plastic one, which got me thinking seriously about getting one for us. I have gotten a plastic wreath that looks very nice. I'm hoping that this and the centerpiece-tuned-delicious squash soup count for something. If anyone has a thought on how to re-purpose an old Christmas tree, let me know!