Sunday, April 26, 2009

Napping & nappies

favorite napping position
Originally uploaded by js_hale
Peter is on a ride this morning, and so I put Jacob in the Didymos sling as I do every morning and took Teddy for a walk around the complex. He definitely prefers the Didy over the Ergo, and at this stage, it's more comfortable for me too. This is the next best thing to breastfeeding to get him down for a nap. 

I just remembered what I've been wanting to rant about! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE A CLOTH DIAPER THAT DOESN'T LEAK??  And if you, gentle reader, have been lucky enough to find one that works, PLEASE let me know. So far, the only thing that works is layering - I use 2 pre-fold cloth diapers, and a wool diaper cover, and that usually works. It's really funny to see how big you can make his butt look when you put a giant diaper ensemble on him! :)  Anyway, I've tried Thirsties, Bum Genius, Knicker Nappies (do you love these names??) and a few others and invariably, they leak when he urinates. So if anyone knows about a cloth diaper that works, I'm all ears! 

On the same subject, I am trying to figure out what is ultimately better for the environment -it would seem like a straightforward problem - disposables are made mostly of plastic and use up landfill space. But it takes a lot of water to rinse out & clean cloth diapers. But it's definitely cheaper to use cloth - right now I'm "hedging" and using a combination of both.  Thoughts?