Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Year's Dinner

Peter and I had an awesome New Year's with the crew in the city. House parties are the way to go - we had every intention of heading down to North Beach at some point, and ended up staying at the house party we were at because there wasn't much of a point in going out. The next day, we sat on the couch watching the Rose Parade and college football - the customs of New Year's Day in the US never fail to bring out my southern roots - namely, food and football. I got to see Michigan beat the Gators, which I was happy about. I had to explain a couple of times that I cheer for anyone who plays AGAINST Florida - why? because I am an FSU fan! This answer resulted in confusion for my non-southern friends and required further explanation. In the South, where children come out of the womb destined to cheer for a specific team (in north Florida, it's either UF or FSU), football is at the center of the universe for most people - the only other exception (in some cases) being church and Jesus. Despite my very mixed feelings about where I grew up, I do get nostalgic for the fervor of southern football - the passion of it is intoxicating, and the drama of the rivalries could easily overwhelm one's better judgment - how many things can you say that about?

Anyway, Peter and I came home that evening and I made Hoppin' John and sweet cornbread (pictured) for dinner - ham and black-eyed peas for good luck, and collard greens for wealth! I make a healthy version - I use lean ham slices, versus a ham hock or bacon fat - and low sodium chicken broth. I saute the collards & onion in olive oil & garlic, then add roasted red pepper seeds for a little kick. Sweet cornbread is also not strictly traditional, but I like it better than savory cornbread. Plus, Peter takes it to work and has it for breakfast!
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