If any society has mastered the art of making life more complicated than it needs to be, it might be the Japanese. In America, rules for flushing a toilet are very simple - find handle, push down. Here, they make a little game out of it - would you like a BIG flush or a SMALL flush? Oh yes, and you have to be able to read kanji in order to actually execute your final decision. Buttons on the very top of the box are for flushing (left one is 'big' flush, right is small), numbers across the top turn on the bidet, and the small, circular buttons below are for moving the stream of water around AND for a little massage on your backside. Kid you not. Most importantly, the red button at the top left-hand is the STOP (the madness) button.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Flush, dammit!
If any society has mastered the art of making life more complicated than it needs to be, it might be the Japanese. In America, rules for flushing a toilet are very simple - find handle, push down. Here, they make a little game out of it - would you like a BIG flush or a SMALL flush? Oh yes, and you have to be able to read kanji in order to actually execute your final decision. Buttons on the very top of the box are for flushing (left one is 'big' flush, right is small), numbers across the top turn on the bidet, and the small, circular buttons below are for moving the stream of water around AND for a little massage on your backside. Kid you not. Most importantly, the red button at the top left-hand is the STOP (the madness) button.