Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sushi and Sake Tasting

Originally uploaded by js_hale.
Brother Patrick came over last night for some store-bought sushi and sake sampling. The hands-down favorite was the tiny white bottle of Hakutsuru, right behind Pat's elbow. I had received it as a gift for visiting the brewery in January, so I had expected it to be mediocre - shows what I know. It was really smooth and flavorful. Other standouts were the corked sake in the middle called "Fujioka Shuzu." This was a less refined sake that we preferred to drink at room temperature, versus chilled - the sweetness was more pronounced that way. Tasty! Peter plated the sushi, and developed a new appreciation for the artistic flair and precision demonstrated by the pros. I made the miso soup and the shiro-ae spinach salad (still perfecting that one) and the bamboo shoots came from Nijiya supermarket in Japantown - now that I live w/ Peter, I only have to walk a few blocks to get there!!