that left me floating on a cloud. We have spent as much time together as possible and it still hasn't
been enough. This picture was taken on Christmas Day - the first Christmas he spent away from home -
because he wanted to spend it with me & my family! I'm in Japan at the moment, and missing him like crazy. For the first time, I actually shortened my trip in Japan to come home early because I couldn't bear being apart from him any longer. Ladies, I'm telling you, it WORKS! :)

Ok, so a lot has happened. I met Peter, and I am really...how shall I put it?
Enamored, flabbergasted, all gooey inside, and pretty much falling for the guy,
fast! The worst thing I can say about him so far is that he's never been to Japan, which as my friend Ren (www.giveyourmeat.com) says, is easily fix-able.
So we met on Match.com, and I'm here to tell you, ladies - IT WORKS! The thing is, there are certain guidelines which I believe allow you to make it work much, much better. The first step is to have a kick-ass profile:
a. 4-5 flattering, CLASSY pictures - no bikinis - sexy evening dresses are great - in which you're smiling.
b. Be really clear about what you're looking for. I talked mostly about what I want in a relationship, and I think it was a good screener. The guys that I went on dates with were all sincere, intelligent, and ready to settle down.
c. You can talk a bit about yourself, but I think it's good to leave some mystery, too.
d. For the question, "What was the last thing you read?" I suggest putting something besides Cosmo or People magazine. Food for thought.
e. I put down that I wanted a guy with at least a college degree. Nothing for race, and I think I put a certain amt. for income, I can't remember. Let's face it - if you have any inkling to stay at home and raise kids someday, you'll want a guy who's willing and able to take care of his family, right? And as far as race goes, I know people will disagree with me, but I don't believe in such a thing. I think the concept is seriously flawed, at best. I'm going off on a tangent, I know, but 'race' implies a difference that extends to our intellect - which is a load of malarkey - when all it boils down to is how we adapted over time to the geography around us. We look different because our ancestors were exposed to certain temperatures, differing amounts of sunlight, etc. over time, and lo and behold, we adapted to our respective environments. End of story. Compatibility has nothing to do with the color of someone's skin, and I know from experience (ha) that love can be found the world over, among any population in the world. EDUCATION, i.e., formal training + life experience, plays a crucial part in the equation of compatibility!
Ok where was I...yes -
2. Do NOT look for guys. No searching, no winking, no emailing. Let them come to you. Pursue a guy, and it's like a mouse running towards a cat...the cat has no idea what to do, and might be tempted to run in the other direction! Men are built for hunting - it's been in their blood for thousands of years. So let them pursue YOU.
I'm curious to see what kind of a response I get, so I'll stop there, for now!