believe me when I tell you that it was HOT in the subway! We actually departed New York before the serious heat wave hit, but I would take that weather any day of the week over the winters. I have to admit that I have a masochistic side that really likes the changing of the seasons - it makes you really appreciate what you have at the moment - sweltering heat makes you relish the first cool autumn breezes - you stop and appreciate the passing of one season to the next. If only I could fast-forward through the winters, not SKIP them but just make them pass more quickly, I'd consider moving back to the east coast for a while. I miss the grittiness of it, and the in-your-face energy of the place. Things are much more straightforward there, too - look like you know where you're going, and don't look at anyone else. Although I have to say that I believe that 9/11 did change New York. People DO look at each other more - they have softened a bit, become more human. Thank god, too - I really believe that something good can come out of tragedy. It has to.