This is 宝川温泉 - for those of you who don't read Japanese, "TAH-KAH-RA-GA-WA ON-SEN." This was by far my favorite hot spring in the area, hands down. The setting is beautiful, and the leaves were just about at their peak of color. Unfortunately it was rather difficult to just kick back and relax - I was the only foreigner wandering through the mixed-bathing areas, unable to keep from checking out fellow bathers. It's simply because I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that such a structured, regimented culture still allows mixed bathing! It's great, but part of me felt like I was in the Twilight Zone - this is not the Japan that
I know! Incidentally, I totally chickened out of going to any of the mixed areas - it would have been easier with a studly male by my side, since none of the women (a-ha!) were by themselves. It's a great area for young couples to go who want to enjoy the experience together, in fact it's perfect. My visit made me realize that I will have to take a very tactful approach towards marketing an Onsen Tour, and for setting my clients' expectations...moreover, I have a feeling that it would be best to split the group up and go to different onsen, so as to not freak out fellow bathers with a gaijin invasion!