Teddy is truly the "practice baby" - I'm trying to take him with me wherever I go in order to get used to toting a kid around. I KNOW it's not the same, but for now, that's all I got to practice with. I'm 35 weeks along, so at most, I have 6 more weeks until the Little Dude arrives!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Day in the city
Teddy came with me to the city today. After morning errands, we hiked up to Corona Heights and played in the dog park. This picture was taken at the top - dog park is just below, and downtown SF is off to the left. I used to run up this hill a few times a week - today, it took roughly 30 minutes to walk all the way up!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Teddy's ride down the slide
Teddy's ride down the slide
Originally uploaded by js_hale
Another turkey triumph
Peter cleaned and stuffed another turkey for x mas eve. Thanks to a slow cooking oven, the bird was nice and moist !
Sunday, December 21, 2008
6 weeks to go!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
31 Weeks!
Quite a bit bigger than when we did the bikini shot. As I write this, Baby O. is kicking - and my belly is visibly moving. So cool.
First Big Purchase

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Ever-expanding belly
This was taken over Thanksgiving, on a short hike in Covelo, CA. I am now WADDLING, not walking! Still, it felt good to get some exercise after Turkey Day.
I must vent a bit - I cannot stand maternity pants!!! That flimsy panel of pathetic elastic knit material that does NOTHING to keep the crotch from slipping down, down, down....luckily, I found an acceptable pair of jeans at my favorite second hand store (pictured) - Ann Taylor, size 7/8 - and only $7.99! WOOOOO! Trouble is that my belly is starting to outgrow them - I have a "bella band" though (keeps your pants up even when unbuttoned) - I will NOT go back to the sinking crotch!
I must vent a bit - I cannot stand maternity pants!!! That flimsy panel of pathetic elastic knit material that does NOTHING to keep the crotch from slipping down, down, down....luckily, I found an acceptable pair of jeans at my favorite second hand store (pictured) - Ann Taylor, size 7/8 - and only $7.99! WOOOOO! Trouble is that my belly is starting to outgrow them - I have a "bella band" though (keeps your pants up even when unbuttoned) - I will NOT go back to the sinking crotch!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Happy to be home
We have been away for nearly a week while our ceiling gets a major overhaul - POPCORN REMOVAL! WOO HOO!!!
It's great that we're getting this done, but being nearly 7 months pregnant, the nesting instinct drove me to return home prematurely - furniture is still covered in plastic, and we're waiting for the mud on the ceiling to dry. We camped out in the living room last night. In retrospect, coming home this early was probably not the wisest decision. As you can see, though, Teddy does not mind one bit.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Leisurely coffee in Mill Valley
The mug is from my dot com days - hanging out in Mill Valley almost fools you into thinking that we're still at the height of the bubble! Mill Valley is a very casual, yet well-to-do suburb of SF - just across the Golden Gate Bridge. I regularly hear urban dwellers who are tired of the city talk about how they'd LOVE to move to Mill Valley.
Peter and I have been camping out at the in laws house because our house is getting worked on. We're staying in Tiburon, which is just across the highway from MV - both places are pretty rockin', I have to say. Though it will be SOOOOOO nice to go home!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Car camping in Bodega Bay
Peter, the dog and I went car camping in sketchy weather at the Sonoma Coast State Park. If you decide to camp here and nearby, be aware that the campgrounds are dominated by gargantuan RV's and noisy generators.
Weather this morning, as you can see, was beautiful, but it was rainy and windy the previous night. Weather put a temporary damper on the mood, but the food and fire quickly made up for the hardships. On the way home, we stopped at dog-friendly Wright's Beach and watched the surf - the wind was tremendous, and the waves looked like they were at least 15' or higher! Afterwards, we went to lunch at Lucas Wharf Restaurant on Highway 1 - EXCELLENT seafood - if you're in the area, you simply must go here. We sat in the cozy front area next to the fireplace, ate calamari steeped in creamy butter lemon sauce and New England clam chowder - it was a fantastic welcome back to 'civilization.'
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Election Day
I have had to really try hard not to check my usual news sources for updates on the election - you can easily go nuts doing so - instead, I tuned into a really good presentation by Naomi Klein which took place last month in Santa Cruz - if you have about 20 minutes or so, I HIGHLY recommend tuning in.
I voted for Obama via absentee ballot - as Klein says, he is a centrist - and he seems to value consensus more highly than any other leader that I remember in my lifetime (sidebar: my earliest political memory is from the Carter administration, writing letters in 3rd grade to the Ayatollah Khomeni, asking for the hostages to be released). However, as Klein says, we have a major opportunity between now and January to put pressure on Obama (assuming he's elected) to appoint key people to his administration who could have a truly positive impact. It bothers me that Robert Rubin, for example, is currently one of Obama's key advisors - the guy who, under Clinton, was instrumental in pushing through deregulation of the financial, telecommunication and energy industries that have led to the mess we're in. Apparently, in his 2004 memoirs, he called it "financial-market confidence" - uh, yeah. Rubin, who should be hanging his head in shame, is key advisor to the figure of hope that millions are desperately clinging to - at this critical time in history. He's gotta go!!!
We'd better wake up and demand change, or we're going the way of the Romans. And with that, my baby is kicking at my ribs, I haven't showered, and it's time to get off my soapbox.
Friday, October 31, 2008
4D of Baby Ockner - 19 weeks
Had my 27 week check up yesterday - we were hoping to get new ultrasounds, but our midwife says that he's getting too big by now. This one was taken at 19 weeks. Isn't technology amazing?! Sorry if it freaks anyone out - I admit that he looks like a claymation figure at this stage. We were able to listen to his heartbeat at yesterday's checkup, and it sounds totally different now! Before, it was like a distant echo, and lots of distortion - now it's a strong, steady heartbeat. We start birthing classes this weekend (Bradley method) - I'm shooting for a natural birth, keeping in mind that anything can happen. Fortunately, I feel like my caregivers truly respect my intentions, and I won't be caught off-guard or pressured into making decisions that I don't entirely understand. We've also found a doula whom we both really like, and she will help us every step of the way. Meanwhile I'm soaking up these last few months of lazy mornings, occasional yoga classes and peace & quiet! :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Bathing beauty Mama
I'm 6.5 months and counting...still carrying pretty small but at least it no longer looks like just a beer belly! Everything is looking good - he really likes to kick a lot, especially when it's time for bed. Wouldn't it be nice if I could stay this size....aah, wishful thinking.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Teddy squares off with a buck deer
Originally uploaded by js_hale
We occasionally see deer outside our house - today, I spotted the largest deer I've ever seen in real life, standing on the back patio. Teddy was ready to throw down - snarling savagely behind the window. The deer was unimpressed. I barely got a shot of his hindquarters as he sauntered off down the hill.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Teddy got blessed!
We took the dog to church yesterday and he got his annual blessing. The pregnant lady got teary.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Peter and I joined a group of friends for some car camping near the Santa Cruz mountains. I twas Teddy's first car camping experience. Poor thing had to be on leash the entire time (campground rules). Peter and I decided that we need to seek out more remote areas for the next trip - this was sort of a trial run, and it worked out great. Plenty of good food, great company, perfect weather and a big ol' campfire.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Weekend brunch
Me at Tavern on the Green - we were staying so close, I couldn't not take him here, being a New York institution and all. Mom and Dad took us here when Pat and I were barely old enough to appreciate it. I remember sitting near the window of the Atrium and Mom, with her eagle eye for spotting celebrities, noted that Jason Robards was sitting to her left, and Norman Mailer was sitting to her right. Later that weekend, we ate at the Four Seasons and saw Robert Schuller from the Crystal Cathedral Hour of Power. The Weekend of famous old white guys...bizarre, right??
Peter and I didn't see any celebrities today at the Tavern - just lots of tourists, but the breakfast (crab quiche, omelet, side of bacon) was very good - not cheap, but very good. Weather was SPECTACULAR.
Peter and I didn't see any celebrities today at the Tavern - just lots of tourists, but the breakfast (crab quiche, omelet, side of bacon) was very good - not cheap, but very good. Weather was SPECTACULAR.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Cousin Doug is in town - AND....
There was lots to celebrate last night, and true to form, my cousin Douglas and wife Shari had impeccable timing. They are in town for business and pleasure, and we made plans to meet up at the Thirsty Bear for dinner. Not only did they not know that I was pregnant, but they also didn't know that we were to find out our baby's gender, as well! We are happy to announce that IT'S A BOY!!!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
High tea
On Wednesday, I took Patty (my mother in law) to Lovejoy's tea room in the city. She is a true Anglo-phile, and she was thrilled to discover that such a place existed. Having tea at Lovejoy's is like stepping into a fairy tale - you're 8 years old, hungry and tired, and you walk into a charming, grandmotherly little cottage chock full of lace, crocheted doilies and sweet little English trinkets. My ex-roommate who's English has assured me that Lovejoy's scones are the real deal, and the Devon cream is fantastic. Anyone who loves English tea time would love this place to pieces.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday Breakfast
Digging the backyard - Peter laid flagstone, planted foliage, and installed this cool fountain that attracts hummingbirds and gold finches. Teddy is 'nursing' on his bone-shaped stuffed animal.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Happy dog
teddy on the trail - we are getting back to the routine after lots of traveling
Originally uploaded by js_hale
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
at last some quiet romantic couple time. . .
Kicking back in monterey - this was taken at Mission Ranch Inn & Restaurant (aka "Clint's place) - highly recommended!! Peter and I had dinner here last year, just a couple of days before we got married. Beautiful and romantic.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Hijinks @ Namu
Peter, Todd & Andre were striking a pose for the camera-phone. The highlight of my birthday was finding my long-lost camera phone under the backseat of our car - it's a good thing that I have willing subjects (even if they're a little goofy) who indulge me.
Namu is a fabulous little place in the Richmond - I think it's owned by a team of young Japanese & Koreans. Very tasty, expertly prepared fusion bar cuisine - the place reminds me of some nouveau-style izakaya I've been to in Japan. We're going back!
Namu is a fabulous little place in the Richmond - I think it's owned by a team of young Japanese & Koreans. Very tasty, expertly prepared fusion bar cuisine - the place reminds me of some nouveau-style izakaya I've been to in Japan. We're going back!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sailing on the bay
It was my dad's and my birthday this past weekend (clockwise: me, Pat, Dad, Peter, Pat's girlfriend Colley, Mom) - as one of our mutual birthday presents, Dad treated us to a 4-hour sail on the San Francisco Bay. We had not done it in years, and Peter had never sailed on the bay before, despite having grown up in Tiburon! Our rent-a-skipper took this picture. He did the heavy lifting, and we all pitched in with tacking and steering. Stopped on Angel Island for lunch - after a couple hours of being on the water, a burger never tasted so good! The "4-hour tour" ended up being more like 7 hours, due to high winds on our return trip - still, it was great fun.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Peter's first bento
I bought this bento box in Japan town recently - it's fabulous, you can use it for sandwiches, salads or anything else. The little divider that comes with it is super convenient when you're packing a meal like this. It might look like stir fry, but actually it's curry that Peter made the other night.
Having prepared it entirely from memory (an Indian roommate in college taught him the recipe), Peter did a fantastic job - but the flavor & aroma was too intense for me. My pregnancy cravings are steering me towards all things mild, white and creamy - I'm all about mashed potatoes and alfredo sauce...I even put sweetened condensed milk in my iced tea and made a version of the "Royal Milk Tea" that you can buy in vending machines in Japan!
In summary, Peter's curry is unfortunately the polar opposite of what I'm eating these days. He made enough to feed an army, and has dutifully promised to help finish off the leftovers. Hence, the bento! I'm tempted to play around with the leftovers to see if I can mellow the flavor & make it into a creamy Tikka Masala! Stay tuned...
Having prepared it entirely from memory (an Indian roommate in college taught him the recipe), Peter did a fantastic job - but the flavor & aroma was too intense for me. My pregnancy cravings are steering me towards all things mild, white and creamy - I'm all about mashed potatoes and alfredo sauce...I even put sweetened condensed milk in my iced tea and made a version of the "Royal Milk Tea" that you can buy in vending machines in Japan!
In summary, Peter's curry is unfortunately the polar opposite of what I'm eating these days. He made enough to feed an army, and has dutifully promised to help finish off the leftovers. Hence, the bento! I'm tempted to play around with the leftovers to see if I can mellow the flavor & make it into a creamy Tikka Masala! Stay tuned...
Friday, August 01, 2008
Bar Antics
We got some of the crew together for Happy Hour at Harry's to offically celebrate my being "preggers." In this shot, Peter and I were trying to 'crush each other's heads.'
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Giant pacifier
One of Teddy's most adorable habits is to "nurse" on his stuffed bone. It's a complete lapse into early puppyhood - and he only does it with toys that look like bones! Peter and I wonder if he was weaned too early. . . whatever the reason, we don't question it -as you can see, this normally high-energy pooch is CALM and docile!
Friday, July 25, 2008
12 weeks!
It's official - I am PREGNANT! Baby Ockner is looking healthy so far - we think it's a 'he,' but we won't know for another 6 weeks. Judging from this picture, I think he got his daddy's long legs. Imagine the fun that he (and I) will have in my 3rd trimester. Due date is Feb. 5th. More pictures to come - stay tuned! :D
Friday, July 18, 2008
Aww yeah. . . . flip flops, fried shrimp and lots of lounging. Unfortunately, I had to go solo this time, the hubby is working this week. Weather is "nice," which is to say that it's not 95 with blazing sun and 100% humidity, like it usually is this time of year. Cloudy, 85 and 100% humidity, which is a nice change from 100+ degrees (with no A/C), dry and smoky from nearby forest fires. That said, we in the Bay Area are absolutely spoiled by picture-perfect weather for most of the year - I mean to point out that the variety is nice. So far we've hit Gypsy Cab Co., my favorite restaurant of all time, and a relatively new one at the beach called La Cocina - this place is phenomenal - it's uncommon for any hotel restaurant to be this good. Outside of checking email occasionally and writing for the 2 or 3 people who read my blog (THANK YOU!), I am indulging in minimal responsibility and maximum free time for as long as I can. I forgot my camera, so there are no visuals (yet) but Dad just got an iPhone so I'll borrow his camera.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Back patio is FINI!
Peter finished the back patio today!!! We would ordinarily pop open a bottle of champagne, but if you read my earlier blog, I'm not exactly craving anything alcoholic these days - fortunately. :) Peter cut all of the flagstone himself (hugely arduous process), tediously leveled each piece with sand and planted little moss plugs in the crevices. I am truly in awe, and at the same time, a little tempted to grab some chalk and play a marathon game of hopscotch!
Compostable utensils!
There is a crazy-good organic ice cream place close to our house that has compostable cups and utensils. I've been curious about who makes them - so today at the farmers' market, I found them again! This time, I saw them at the Cafe Gratitude food stand. When I asked about them, I was given this label. The guy there told me that Whole Foods has started carrying compostable utensils, too - not sure if it's the same manufacturer, but check it out and feel free to let me know. FINALLY, an alternative to plastic! So for your next barbecue, please go to the store or go online and stock up on compostable fake plastic ware! :)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Fashion Show!
My good friend Yugala enlisted me to model in a fashion show/block party this past weekend. The runway was set up on a side street, and the pre-show festivities drew a good crowd. There was a troupe of girls doing double-dutch jump rope to hip-hop music, and a guy reciting poetry about the absence of Asian men in American media, circumcision, etc. A great sampling of left-wing San Francisco culture. That kept everyone entertained while we scurried around behind the black curtain, getting ready. Apparently, there was a woman who fell in love with Yugala's dresses & she ended up buying at least 3 of them before the end of the show. This was likely my 'last hurrah' for modeling for a while - if you're wondering why, the style of my dress gives a big hint!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Bodega Bay
I'm way behind on my blogging...on Father's Day, Peter, Teddy & I headed up to Bodega Bay and met up with Dennis, my longtime friend and college advisor. Poocher had to stay on leash the entire time, but fortunately there were plenty of beaches where he was allowed.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Not-so-common sense
This article demonstrates how dangerously clueless the US general public is about water conservation: http://discovermagazine.com/2008/jun/28-everything-you-know-about-water-conservation-is-wrong/article_view?b_start:int=0&-C=
It's typical for the average American not to think beyond the bottom of his coffee cup about how much waste he produces. What kills me is how often people will throw away extra food or in this case, coffee, instead of, let's say, refrigerating it to make some iced coffee later! There's a better chance that this same person will go & buy an iced coffee at Starbucks later that afternoon.
It's scary to think of how many people actually leave the water running while they brush their teeth! And god forbid they should go so far as to resist washing their cars - 'cause a clean car is a necessity, after all. If we in this country still retain an ounce of what passed as "common sense" in the 1st half of the 20th century, we'd do wonders to slow the destruction of the planet. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Fill a glass with water & use that to brush your teeth. Hang-dry at least SOME of your clothes (it's summertime for god sakes!). Buy, cook and eat what's in season. DARE to take public transportation once in a while, or better yet, ride a bike. If you must, wash your car and use a bucket - you could probably use the exercise! Limit use of the A/C by closing window blinds during the day. Eat less meat and more vegetables. What about this is so difficult to understand??
Admittedly, living in Japan has influenced me greatly - most households hang-dry ALL of their clothes and use fluorescent lighting in their houses - chances are that the reason for this is largely due to expensive gas & electricity - good habits created by necessity. You think about all the silly travel shows on TV - not one of them focuses on how people in other (first-world) countries LIVE. I think that most people here would find it fascinating.
I saw an interesting article which argues that people should not do eco-tours. Fair enough. I am happy NOT to go to the Galapagos and thereby do my part to preserve those ecosystems. But the articles later advises against travel in general for environmental reasons. However, traveling to Japan, or even better, Sweden, would be a mind-blowing, eye-opening experience, through which Americans could learn how to use their own resources wisely. I'm curious to know whether there might be a market for that kind of tourism.
It's typical for the average American not to think beyond the bottom of his coffee cup about how much waste he produces. What kills me is how often people will throw away extra food or in this case, coffee, instead of, let's say, refrigerating it to make some iced coffee later! There's a better chance that this same person will go & buy an iced coffee at Starbucks later that afternoon.
It's scary to think of how many people actually leave the water running while they brush their teeth! And god forbid they should go so far as to resist washing their cars - 'cause a clean car is a necessity, after all. If we in this country still retain an ounce of what passed as "common sense" in the 1st half of the 20th century, we'd do wonders to slow the destruction of the planet. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Fill a glass with water & use that to brush your teeth. Hang-dry at least SOME of your clothes (it's summertime for god sakes!). Buy, cook and eat what's in season. DARE to take public transportation once in a while, or better yet, ride a bike. If you must, wash your car and use a bucket - you could probably use the exercise! Limit use of the A/C by closing window blinds during the day. Eat less meat and more vegetables. What about this is so difficult to understand??
Admittedly, living in Japan has influenced me greatly - most households hang-dry ALL of their clothes and use fluorescent lighting in their houses - chances are that the reason for this is largely due to expensive gas & electricity - good habits created by necessity. You think about all the silly travel shows on TV - not one of them focuses on how people in other (first-world) countries LIVE. I think that most people here would find it fascinating.
I saw an interesting article which argues that people should not do eco-tours. Fair enough. I am happy NOT to go to the Galapagos and thereby do my part to preserve those ecosystems. But the articles later advises against travel in general for environmental reasons. However, traveling to Japan, or even better, Sweden, would be a mind-blowing, eye-opening experience, through which Americans could learn how to use their own resources wisely. I'm curious to know whether there might be a market for that kind of tourism.
Monday, June 02, 2008
100% Fun!
I'm borrowing the title of this picture from one of my favorite albums (Matthew Sweet). Peter, Teddy and I went hiked the Cataract Trail on Mount Tamalpais. The trail was amazing - it starts at a reservoir, then goes up, up, up, following a stream with rocky pools and waterfalls, shaded by redwoods the whole way. Teddy was the most sure-footed of all of us - he's balancing here on a slimy fallen tree covered with algae.
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